Sunday, May 4, 2008

Zelda Age of Eternity

This is a zelda game ive been working on. It is VERY buggy so i wont release it for a while. If anyone is willing to help me with this send me a message. Im making it with game maker.

Project 128

If anyone is willing to help me by getting GIF images of the channels i would appreciate it. I also need a video of the Health warning screen.

Ill edit this post whenever i add to the program. The next release is scheduled to be on June 15th if not before then.

May 5th: the next release is going to have an installer

May 10th: i've fixed the problem with the clicking to many times, but now when you rollover a channel the menu music stops...

May 11th: i've changed the blank channels to the ones of the wii, not the ugly white ones i had at first

June 1st: I havent been on here for a while but here are the updates i have made since: Added wii cursor, you can rearrange the channels, access the internet, edited some backgrounds, and some other stuff

You can download the latest here